Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sheiko#29- W3 D2- 5/4/08- Wednesday

2 Hours 10 Minutes

1)Deficit Deadlifts (2-3" probably)
275x3 x3
330x3 x3
360x3 x3 x3 x3

2)Bench Press (paused)
(70%)210x3 x3
(80%)240x2 x2 x2
(85%)255x2 x2
(80%)240x3 x3

3)Incline DB Flys
25x10 20x10 x10 x10 x10

4)Rack Deadlifts (2" below knees- rack setting "3", 4 mats, shoes)
(70%)385(belt)x4 x4
(80%)440x3 x3
(90%)495x2 x2 x1 x1 (broke it into 2 sets)

5)DB Reverse Alt Lunges
45x5 x5 x5 x5 x5

Contrast Shower- 20s/60s x4

Notes: Today's session was very tough. The deficit deadlifts didn't feel as fast as they had been the first time through 29, but I have a feeling that getting stronger makes the training sessions harder, even though it is based on percentages.

My butt lifted up a tiny bit on bench on the top sets, but I had no spotter and really didn't want to have to roll the bar off of my chest if I missed.

Rack deadlifts were very very difficult. My hands are incredibly beat up and on the last set at 90% I had to do two singles rather than a double. I definitely need a nap.


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