Thursday, June 5, 2008

6/5/08- Thursday- GPP/Active Recovery

1a)Neutral Grip Fat Bar Chinups
BWx15 x10 x10

1b)Band Pushdown
lightx25 x20 x20

1c)Prowler Push (High)
~250ftx1 x1 x1

1d)Keiser Cable Backhands
12x12 x15 x12

2a)Keiser Face Pull
43x12 x12 x12

lightx15 x15 x15

2c)DB Hammer Curl
40x10 x7 35x8

2d)Side Bridge (feet under/over bench)
x20s x22s x30s (Left) x20s+10s (Right)

Foam Rolling

25 Minutes Incline Treadmill

20 Minute Epsom Salt Bath (2 cups)

Notes: I was feeling extremely tired today despite eight hours of sleep and an hour nap yesterday.

I need to make sure I don't get too behind on sleep this weekend.

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