Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sheiko#32- W2 D2- Wednesday- 4/23/08

1 Hour 35 Minutes

1)Deadlift To Knees
(60%)320x2 x2
(65%)350x2 x2
(70%)375 (belt)x1 x1 x1

2)Bench Press (ring fingers on rings)(paused)
(70%)205x3 x3
(80%)235x3 x3
(85%)250x2 x2 x2

3)DB Flys
20x10 x10 x10 x10 x10

(70%)375 (belt)x3 x3
(80%)430x3 x3 x3 x3 x3

5)Lever Crunch
10x10 x10 x10

Contrast Shower- 20s/60s x3 (cold/hot)

Notes: Training felt pretty good today. The bench definitely felt a bit narrower but I felt more stable in the bottom. Not sure if there was a strength drop-off as a result though. I think I’ll stick with the grip for one or two more sessions to see how it feels.

Deadlift felt good, and I felt like I was using more leg than usual. I think I may be getting some more quad strength from the heeled shoes as well.


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