Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sheiko#32- W3 D2- Wednesday- 4/30/08
1 Hour 15 Minutes
1)Bench Press (paused)(ring btw middle and ring finger)
(70%)205x3 x3
(80%)235x2 x2 x2 x2 x2
2)DB Flys
20x8 x8 x8 x8
(60%)320x3 x3
(70%)375(belt) x3 x3
(75%)400x2 x2 x2 x2 x2
4)Good Mornings
125x5 x5 x5 x5
PWO Contrast Shower- 15s/60s x3
Notes: Benching felt awesome today. I found a sweet spot with the rings right between my middle and ring finger and reps were all fast as hell.
Deadlift felt a little slow, but this is normal at this part in the cycle. I reviewed my training log from the last time I was on this part of the program, and it felt the same way...bench felt great and deadlift was a little slow.
Everything here on out is easy. I'm officially done with classes (forever) and I've just got 2 papers left to write and a final exam Monday and I'm all done. Recovery should be quite well considering that my outside stress levels will have gone done dramatically. I can't wait to get back to NYC and start training people again. I'm most of my free time devouring training and business info right now. :-)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Tuesday- 4/28/08- GPP/Active Recovery
1a)Wide Grip Pullups
BWx10 x8 x6
1b)Abducted Cable Ext Rotation
30x12 x12 x10
1c)Cable Lateral Raise
30x10 x8 x7
2a)DB Hammer Curl
35x8 x6 30x10
2b)Side Lying Ext Rotation
15x10 x10 10x10
30 Minutes Incline Treadmill
Notes: Recovery is certainly being pushed. I'm feeling tired and a bit worn out, but I'm getting some more sleep at more reasonable hours.
My legs are generally feeling quite heavy, but I have tomorrow off since the schedule got pushed forward a little bit so that I could train Sunday.
Bodyweight is right on track. I'll probably keep to 200 or so and then just water load the week before, cutting off intake at 12 hours out. I've just been spacing out my meals more and making my occasional cheats a bit non-existent.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sheiko#32- W3 D1- Monday- 4/27/08
1 Hour 10 Minutes
(70%)275 (belt)x3 x3
(80%)310x2 x2 x2 x2 x2
2)Bench Press (paused)
(70%)205 (wraps)x3 x3
(80%)235x2 x2
(85%)250x1 x1 x1
3)DB Flys
20x8 x8 x8 x8
4)Ab Roller (on knees)
BWx10 x10 x10
Notes: Finally got to train out at Cressey's place again (only the 2nd time this year) because I had a ride out. Was nice to train with some bars that had knurling and not have to put a blanket up in front of the mirror (since there are none anyway).
Squats felt fine considering I did 6x3 with the same load 2 days ago. Bench felt pretty decent as well. Technique is a little off on the latter.
I believe I was the first person to ever do DB Flys at Cressey Performance, and I'll probably be the last. :-)
Friday, April 25, 2008
Sheiko#32- W2 D3- Friday- 4/25/08
1)Bench Press (middle finger on ring)(paused)
(70%)205 (wraps)x3 x3
(80%)235x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3
(60%)235x3 x3
(70%)275 (belt)x3 x3
(80%)310x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3
3)Bench Press (same as above)
(70%)205x4 x4 x4 x4
4)DB Flys
20x10 x10 x10 x10 x10
5)Good Mornings
125x5 x5 x5 x5 x5
Recovery- Contrast Showers- 20s/60s x4
Notes: Squats were pretty difficult today. Stress at the end of the school year because of being 1 credit short of graduation, combined with not great quality sleep due to allergies has been taking an effect. My knees were actually sore before the workout.
Bench felt pretty good. I think I might actually be stronger while letting my wrists cock back a little bit. I'm not sure why this is, but it feels more stable then when I try to keep my wrists straight the entire time. Maybe it makes sense to move back to this style just for the meet and then practice the "right way" afterwards. Not really sure.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
4/24/08- Thursday- GPP/Recovery
1a)Neutral Close Grip Pullups
BWx8 x6 x6 x4 (far from failure)
1b)1-Arm Cable Lateral Raise
30x10 x10 x8
1c)Cable Ext Rotation
25x10 x10 x10
2a)Seated DB Twisting Curl
30x10 x8 x6
2b)VMO Ext Rotation
15x12 x12 x8
Foam rolling lower body
Notes: Went on a trip today with one of my classes to see some cadavers. Holding a human brain, heart, and other organs kind of puts things in perspective. Pretty amazing stuff.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sheiko#32- W2 D2- Wednesday- 4/23/08
1)Deadlift To Knees
(60%)320x2 x2
(65%)350x2 x2
(70%)375 (belt)x1 x1 x1
2)Bench Press (ring fingers on rings)(paused)
(70%)205x3 x3
(80%)235x3 x3
(85%)250x2 x2 x2
3)DB Flys
20x10 x10 x10 x10 x10
(70%)375 (belt)x3 x3
(80%)430x3 x3 x3 x3 x3
5)Lever Crunch
10x10 x10 x10
Contrast Shower- 20s/60s x3 (cold/hot)
Notes: Training felt pretty good today. The bench definitely felt a bit narrower but I felt more stable in the bottom. Not sure if there was a strength drop-off as a result though. I think I’ll stick with the grip for one or two more sessions to see how it feels.
Deadlift felt good, and I felt like I was using more leg than usual. I think I may be getting some more quad strength from the heeled shoes as well.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
4/22/08- Tuesday- GPP/Recovery
BWx6 x6 x6 x6
1b)Side Lying Ext Rotation
15x10 x10 x10 x10
1c)DB Lateral Raise
3 sets
2a)Seated DB Hammer Curl
30x10 x8 x6
2b)Prone Single Arm 3 Pt. Trap Raise
3 sets
Foam Rolling Lower Body
35 Minutes treadmill (easy)
Notes: Was tired today, legs especially.
I'm going to have a hell of a time fitting in tomorrow's workout.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sheiko#32- W2 D1- Monday- 4/21/08
1 Hour 35 Minutes
(60%)235x3 x3
(70%)275 (belt) x3 x3
(80%)310x2 x2 x2 x2
2)Bench Press (played with different grips)(paused)
(70%)205x3 x3
(80%)235x3 x3 x3 x3 x3
3)DB Flys
20x10 x10 x10 x10 x10
(65%)255x3 x3
(75%)295 (belt)x3 x3 x3 x3
Recovery- Contrast Shower- 15s/60s x3 (cold/hot)
Notes: Interesting day today. I'm still in overreaching mode, so nothing felt too easy for sure.
On squats, I've been experiencing with getting my hands in closer as per the advice of a powerlifting coach whose been giving me feedback on my videos. Rather than middle finger on the rings, I've moved into pinky fingers on the rings, and it's keeping me a lot tighter and creating more of the upper back shelf. My elbows are now almost completely pointed down...I think the problem with the slightly wider grip is that it wasn't really pushing my flexibility so I felt like I'd have to "hold the bar up" if I pointed the elbows down.
I experimented with my Bench width a little bit. I used to use ring finger on the ring, and for some reason, I realized that I've been using middle finger on the ring recently. I'm not sure how long ago I started doing this, but I think it certainly may have contributed to a lack of tightness in the bottom and a little instability. I'm going to play with this and see what feels comfortable and strongest.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Sheiko#32- W1 D3- Friday- 4/18/08
(60%)235x3 x3
(70%)275 (belt)x3 x3
(75%)295x2 x2 x2 x2
2)Bench Press
(65%)190 (wrist wraps)x3 x3
(75%)220x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3
3)DB Flys
20x10 x10 x10 x10 x10
4)Good Mornings
125x5 x5 x5 x5 x5
5)Lever Crunch
10x10 x10 x10
Notes: Weights didn't move super fast today, but I think that's to be expected after working up to 95% 2 days ago.
The guy whose state deadlift record I'm going for is apparently going to be at the meet, so it should be fun to face off with him. He's got about 80lbs on my squat and 70lbs on my bench, so I clearly won't have him in those or the total, haha.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
4/17/08- Thurs- Active Recovery/GPP
Notes: Didn't have time to do my other assitance stuff, I'll have to make it up tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sheiko#32- W1 D2- Wednesday- 4/16/08
Bodyweight 201.8lb
2 Hours
(60%)235x3 x3
(70%)275 (belt)x2 x2
(80%)310x2 (lost groove on first)
(95%)370x1 (depth was right on the border)
2)Bench Press (paused)
(60%)175 (wraps on)x3 x3
(70%)205x2 x2
(95%)280x1 (form was terrible...lost my lat tightness, flared early, and uneven press)
(70%)375 (belt) x2 x2
Contrast Showers- 20s/60s x3 (cold/hot)
Notes: Things didn’t go exactly as I’d hoped today. Bodyweight was pretty much on target, and I even had some ice cream last night to make sure I wasn’t too light.
Squats were done for the second time with a blanket in front of the mirror. At 80%, I lost my balance a little on one of the reps and it wasn’t too smooth. When I worked up to 370, the depth was probably borderline and possibly questionable. If anyone wants to chime in, that’d be great.
Bench press went beautifully up until my 95% set. I think I was being lazy with my lats and I flared the hell out of the bar, started pressing unevenly and made the lift slowly and ugly. My left shoulder almost gave out, it was very strange and I’m not exactly sure why it happened.
Deadlifts felt fine, and I’m definitely using my legs more at the start which is good.
I might have to take these down 5-10lbs for my openers (at least on squat and bench) just to be safe. These weren’t as fast as my 95% during the last cycle, but I had also just gone through 8 weeks of Sheiko instead of 4, so it’s understandable.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sheiko#32- W1 D1- Monday- 4/14/08
1 Hour
(70%)275 (belt)x2 x2
(75%)295x2 x2 x2
2)Bench Press (paused)
(70%)205 (wrist wraps)x3 x3
(75%)220x2 x2 x2
3)Flat DB Flys
20x10 x10 x10
4)Lever Crunch
10x10 x10 x10
Notes: Easy session today (of course). I hung a blanket up on the rack today to cover the mirror for a better sense of simulating the meet environment. I videoed the sets and I hit depth pretty consistently and was consistent with form as well. I might make this a regular practice. At the suggestion of a powerlifting coach, I took more time with my squats and it felt pretty good.
1 more day until Skills Evaluation and I'll have a better idea of where I stand.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Sheiko#37- W4 D3- 4/11/08- Friday
(70%)275 (belt)x3 x3
(80%)310x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3
2)Close Grip Bench Press (paused)
(70%)205x5 (wrist wrap)x5 x5 x5 x5
3)Slight Incline DB Flys
20x10 x10 x10 x10 x10
BWx8 x8 x8 x8 x8
5)Good Mornings
125x5 x5 x5 x5 x5
Notes: Squats were pretty good today...Sank them all damn deep. Squatting in front of mirrors is really starting to get on my nerves.
Benching felt strong too.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
4/9/08- Thursday- GPP/Active Recovery
1a)Wide Neutral Grip Pullup
BWx10 x7 (close grip)x6
1b)Band Pushdowns
lightx20 x20 x20 x20
1c)Cable Ext Rotation
35x12 x12 x10 30x12
2a)DB Lateral Raise
30x15 x8 x10
lightx15 x15 x15
2c)Seated DB Twisting Curl
30x10 x8 x6
2d)3 Point Stance DB lower trap raise
15x10 x10 x10
45 Minutes incline treadmill walking
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sheiko#37- W4 D2- 4/9/08- Wednesday
1)Bench Press (paused)
(70%)205 (wrist wraps)x3 x3
(80%)235x3 x3
(85%)250x2 x2 x2
(70%)375 (belt on)x3 x3
(80%)430x3 x3
(85%)455x2 x2 x2
3)Bench Press (paused)
(65%)190 (wrist wraps)x5
(75%)220x4 x4 x4 x4
4)Slight Incline DB Fly
20x10 x10 x10 x10 x10
5)Static DB Lunges
40x5 x5 x5 x5 x5
Recovery- Contrast shower- cold/hot 20s/60s x 3
Notes: Benching felt pretty strong today for the most part.
I definitely wasn’t sinking my ass on deadlifts enough and I was using my back a bit much.
I need to get my mind right. For some reason, I’m having trouble focusing in training and I keep thinking about/worrying about injuries. My left oblique was particularly sore from decline crunches yesterday and I kept worrying that I was going to have a hernia. I kept worrying about my back, and I’ve been worrying about my knees. I honestly think it’s just me being neurotic, I’m just not sure why it’s creeping into my mind. I’ll work through it.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
4/7/08- Tuesday- GPP/Active Recovery
1a)Wide Grip Pullups
BWx10 x8 x6 x6
1b)Decline Situp
BWx10 x10 x10
1c)VMO Ext Rotation
20x12 x12 x12 x12
1d)Bulgarian Split Squat
BWx8 x5 x5
2a)DB Hammer Curl
35x10 x8 x6
2b)45 Degree Prone Y Raise
15x10 10x12 x12
2c)DB Lateral Raise
30x8 20x10
45 Minutes Incline Treadmill Walking (low incline and low intensity)
Foam Rolling lower body
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sheiko#37- W4 D1- Monday- 4/7/08
1 Hour 45 Minutes
(70%)275 (Belt on) x3 x3
(80%)310x3 x3
(85%)330x2 x2 x2
2)Bench Press (paused)
(70%)205x3 x3
(80%)235x3 x3 x3 x3 x3
3)Flat DB Flys
20x10 x10 x10 x10 x10
BWx8 x8 x8 x8 x8
(70%)275 (belt) x3 x3
(80%)310x2 x2 x2 x2
6)Good Mornings
125x5 x5 x5 x5 x5
Recovery- Contrast Shower- 15s/60s (cold/hot) x 4
Notes: I realized that one of my wrist wraps had dropped out of my bag at home, so this made things more difficult than I would have expected. On the first round of squats, I tried to keep my wrists straight, and this led to a bar position a good half inch or an inch higher than normal. Most of the reps were overly slow on the first round of squats as a result. I thought that perhaps I was just weak today, but on the second round of squats I moved the bar to my normal position and the reps were MUCH easier.
Bench felt strong, and I’m getting the hang of keeping my wrists straighter.
I’m pretty sure that with my normal bar position, the heavier squats would have been quite a bit easier.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Sheiko#37- W3 D3- Friday- 4/4/08
1)Bench Press (paused)
(70%)205 (wrist wraps on) x3 x3
(80%)235x2 x2 x2 x2 x2
(70%)275 (belt)x5 x5
(75%)295x4 x4 x4 x4 x4
3)Close Grip Bench Press (paused- pinkies on rings)(no wraps)
(60%)175x6 x6
(65%)190x6 x6 x6 x6
4)Flat DB Flys
20x10 x10 x10 x10 x10
5)Good Mornings
125x5 x5 x5 x5 x5
*60 Minute full body massage before training
Notes: Might not be a good idea to get the massage before training. I've done it before, and I feel like it actually makes me a little less stable in training because I'm used to a certain tightness in my muscles that ends up not being there.
Bench groove felt a little off as did squats, but I'm sure part of it is due to the higher volume of this week's training.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Sheiko#37- W3 D2- Wednesday- 4/2/08
1)Deadlift to Knees
(70%)375 (belt on)x4 x4
(75%)400x4 x4 x4 x4
2)Bench Press
(70%)205x4 x4
(75%)220x3 x3 (wrist wraps on)**
(80%)235x2 x2
(75%)220x3 x3
(65%)190 (wraps off) x5
3)Slight Incline DB Flys
20x10 x10 x10 x10 x10
4)Rack Deadlifts (3" below knees- 3rd pin from bottom + aerobic step)
(70%)375 (belt) x5 x5
(80%)430x4 x4 x4 x4
5)DB Static Lunges
40x5 x5 x5 x5 x5
Recovery: Contrast shower (cold/hot) 15s/45s x4
Notes: **Today was the first day since last summer when I was able to bench anything over 135 without pain in my left "arthritic" wrist. At the suggestion of some of you guys and others, I've been working on keeping the wrists straighter rather than letting them get cocked back, and apparently this has been helping. Usually I use wrist wraps on every set, so I don't even bother noting it in my logs. I'll continue to work back into not using them for most sets....slowly, though.
Everything felt strong today.
Elbows were a little sore, but nothing I haven't felt before.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
4/1/08- Tuesday- GPP/Recovery
BWx10 x8 x6 x6
1b)DB Lateral Raise
25x15 x12 x10
1c)VMO Ext Rotation
20x10 x12 x10 15x12
2a)DB Hammer Curl
30x12 x10 x8
2b)45 Degree Prone Back Raise
15x10 x12 x12
Foam Rolling lower body
(2.5 Hours later)
45 Minutes incline treadmill