Friday, May 30, 2008

Sheiko#29- W2 D3- Friday- 5/30/08

2 Hours

(70%)280(belt)x3 x3
(80%)320x2 x2 x2 x2x x2

2)Bench Press (paused)
(70%)210x3 x3
(80%)240x2 x2

3)45 Degree Incline Flys
20x10 x10 x10 x10 x10

(60%)240x5 x5
(70%)280(belt)x4 x4 x4 x4

5)Good Mornings
130x5 x5 x5x x5 x5

Contrast Shower- 20s/60s x4 (cold/hot)- ending on cold

Notes: The squats felt SUPER easy today. I honestly need to check my depth because they felt eerily easy. I have a hunch, however, that I am getting better at just making depth rather than sinking reps far beyond what is necessary. It would makes sense that this would transfer to some more speed.

I also tried a Kaiser power rack today...those things are crazy. I'm going to stick with Sheiko as long as it works, but if I need a change at some point, I have plenty of new tools at my disposal.


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