Monday, May 26, 2008

Sheiko#29- W2 D1- Monday- 5/26/08

2 Hours 5 Minutes

(70%)280(belt)x3 x3
(80%)320x2 x2 x2 x2 x2

2)Bench Press (paused)
(70%)210x2 x2
(80%)240x3 x3 x3 x3 x3

3)Incline DB Flys
20x10 25x10 x10 x10 20x10

4)Narrow Grip Pushups
BWx10 x10 x10 x10 x10

5)Front Squats
(45%)180x3 x3
(55%)220x3 x3
(65%)240(belt)x2 x2 x2 x2

6)Good Mornings
130x5 x5 x5 x5 x5

Recovery- Contrast Showers- 20s/60sx3

Notes: Great session today. To be honest, my bodyweight is too high right now though, hovering around 208 from my loose diet in my week off after the meet. I had to loosen the lever belt today, so I need to tighten things up again, haha.

Squatting felt very good. I cut the depth a bit from my usual, but I'm pretty sure they were all to acceptable depth.

Benching strong as well. Some of the later sets were slow, but definitely not too slow.

Front squats felt the best they ever have. I believe that the heeled shoes during back squats have contributed to strengthening my quads quite a bit. The last time I attempted this part of the workout, I felt like I could barely finish the front squats, but there as no question this time.


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