Monday, April 14, 2008

Sheiko#32- W1 D1- Monday- 4/14/08

(4 Weeks Out)

1 Hour

(70%)275 (belt)x2 x2
(75%)295x2 x2 x2

2)Bench Press (paused)
(70%)205 (wrist wraps)x3 x3
(75%)220x2 x2 x2

3)Flat DB Flys
20x10 x10 x10

4)Lever Crunch
10x10 x10 x10

Notes: Easy session today (of course). I hung a blanket up on the rack today to cover the mirror for a better sense of simulating the meet environment. I videoed the sets and I hit depth pretty consistently and was consistent with form as well. I might make this a regular practice. At the suggestion of a powerlifting coach, I took more time with my squats and it felt pretty good.

1 more day until Skills Evaluation and I'll have a better idea of where I stand.


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